Our school offers an early-start, full immersion, dual language education to students through the middle school (6th grade – US / 6è France). The FAIS curriculum follows the official guidelines of the French Ministry of Education, by whom it is fully accredited, as well as the American core standards of education for the State of Florida.
Annual Assessment testing is administered in the Spring for the American educational program. FAIS has partnered with IOWA, the most widely used third party assessment agency in the U.S. As such, FAIS faculty and administration uses the annual results as an audit for the school’s and each individual student’s academic performance. The assessments enable the school to identify students’ strengths and weaknesses, allowing for special academic advancement or intervention plans to be put in place. Additionally, assessments provide parents with transparency on their child(ren)’s percentile placement on a nationwide scale. FAIS is committed to providing its community with academic accountability and exceptional reputation.
IB (International Baccalaureate): FAIS’ Primary Years Programme is the framework for teaching the core pillars of our curriculum, fostering critical thinking and building problem-solving skills, while encouraging diversity, international mindedness, curiosity, and a healthy appetite for learning and excellence.
F.L.E (Francais Langue Etrangère) is a program we offer to non-french students joining FAIS in the 2nd grade or above. This program is the same that is provided to students who have moved to France, prior to integrating their grade level. It allows the student to build a foundation of the French language, at his/her own pace before being re-integrated into the full French program. F.L.E. students are taken out of their regular class during French section and follow a special curriculum with FLE certified teachers.
E.S.O.L (English second language learner) is a program widely offered in American schools to non English speakers. This program is available to students on a case by case basis.
In addition, as a small private school we are able to follow closely the needs of each individual student. Our classes are small and teachers’ assistants are made available in most classes.
We offer a full French program for half of the school day, and English for the other half. Both programs teach language arts, reading and writing, Mathematics and History. Courses in Science, Social Studies, Geography, computer lab, P.E., music and Art are alternated between French and English during the respective class time. In addition, an introductory course of Spanish / German is offered once a week.
Our classes are all equipped with computers , laptops and tablets. A full mobile Chromebook lab is available for classes 1st grade and up on a weekly basis for the Technology course.
The French teachers and American (English) teachers work closely together to cover all subjects, and making sure our students meet or exceed all standards required by both national educational programs.
For the full French Curriculum description, click here
For the full FAIS American Curriculum
For the FAIS IB PYP Units of Inquiry click here
The chart below shows the complete schooling trajectory of both the French and US academic program. For informational purposes only. FAIS does not offer the Preschool or High School programs:

Accreditations and Pedagogical Affiliations
FAIS is accredited by the French Ministry of Education, adhering to the highest educational standards of France, Francophone nations, the United States, and Europe. At FAIS, French instruction is provided exclusively by native French speakers, and in most cases, by instructors trained and certified in France. FAIS is a proud member of the following accreditation agencies:
L’Agence pour l’Enseignement Français à l’Etranger – A.E.F.E.
(The Agency for French Education Abroad)

The AEFE operates under the authority of the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs. AEFE has oversight of the network of educational institutions where French programs outside of France are in operation including more than 400 schools across 127 countries, all of which are linked with l’AEFE. FAIS has a formal covenant with l’AEFE, which means the school is not only fully accredited by the French Ministry of National Education, but also receives support from the agency through financial assistance to qualifying French families. The Agency assures the uniformity and the continuity of the educational programs in French schools in North America through an Inspector and a French Cultural Attaché based in Washington, D.C.
The Association of French Schools of North America – A.F.S.A.
AFSA is a membership organization of elementary and secondary schools in the United States and Canada, all of which are accredited by the French Ministry of National Education. This organization brings together French educational institutions from the United States and Canada with the objective of promoting interaction among them in the development of educational technology. AFSA, with its 46-school membership, carries significant influence with l’Agence pour l’Enseignement Français à l’Etranger (A.E.F.E.). Each year, AFSA organizes an educational seminar representing an opportunity to assemble the primary figures involved with the network of French schools: the Director of the A.E.F.E., the French Embassy Cultural Counselor, Senators representing French citizens residing in North America, Representatives of the French Ministry of Education and of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Heads of schools, etc.
AISF is recognized by the Florida Association of Academic Nonpublic Schools as an accrediting agency for private schools in Florida. AISF is a charter member of the National Council for Private School Accreditation. NCPSA serves as a national review panel for the standards and procedures of private school accrediting associations in the United States.
Affiliated schools offer small class groupings, flexible programs, and helpful teacher-pupil ratios. AISF schools stress academic fundamentals while tailoring their instructional programs to meet the needs, capabilities, and interests of their students.
Students are required to wear the appropriate school uniform: This includes polo or collared shirts (short or long sleeved) : white, red or navy blue; slacks, skirts, skorts, khaki shorts: navy, tan or grey; sweaters and cardigans, jackets: can be worn over uniforms, but must be of solid color white, red, or navy.
An optional P.E. school uniform is available for purchase and consists of a FAIS t-shirt and gym shorts. This uniform may be worn in lieu of the regular school uniform on P.E. days. Tennis shoes are required for P.E. class participation.
The FAIS logo is required on all tops, including sweatshirts, sweaters and cardigans.
Shoes: Students must wear sensible, closed shoes such as : lace-up Hush Puppies, Mary Janes, Ballet Flats or tennis shoes.
Click below to view our school’s approved uniform items and to order items (with or without logo). Uniforms provided by : FrenchToast

French American International School of Boca Raton
+1 (561) 479-8266 | EMAIL US