The Middle School at FAIS provides a dynamic bilingual curriculum designed to equip students with  academic and critical thinking skills for success and  high school and beyond.  We prioritize personal responsibility, independence, and an appreciation for cultural diversity, nurturing a community where students can grow into active and thoughtful global citizens.

IB (International Baccalaureate): FAIS’ Middle Years Programme provides a framework for learning within and across subjects through six global contexts.  The curriculum aims to develop active learners and internationally minded young people who can emphasize with others and pursue lives of purpose and meaning.

FAIS offers two middle school Tracks:

The International Track: follows a rigorous American curriculum that includes all national standards and course requirements, including an array of electives to further enrich the students’ academic experience .  Additionally, students continue their bilingual journey with daily French course. Students with high level proficiency in French follow grade-level instruction, while those still honing their skills follow the F.L.E (second language) instruction.

The CNED (French) Track: follows the four American core courses: English Literature, Math, Science, History & Government, while also meeting the French Ministry of Education’s requirements of French curriculum studies abroad. These required courses include Art, Music, French Literature, and History/Geography/EMC.  This track is especially suited for students wishing to pursue academic recognition from the Ministry of Education or for those wishing to have an equal balance of French and American courses.  This track is reserved for students at French grade-level proficiency.

Program Highlights: 

Language Arts:  French and English Literature is taught daily. From Voltaire to Shakespeare, students hone critical thinking through the study of current and classical works, while refining their written and oral communication skills.

Mathematics and Honors Mathematics: American Math is taught daily to all students, ranging from 6th grade math to Algebra 1, in preparation for high school.  CNED (French) Track students are taught an additional math class daily, in French that satisfies the requirements of the French national curriculum.

History, Geography & Civics: Students of both tracks study the American requirements of US History, US Government and Ancient World History.   Students of the CNED (French) Track also follow the French national requirements of Histoire/Géographie program, which starts with the birth of civilization and ends with the Enlightenment . Engrained in this course are elements of EMC, instilling values of liberty, equality and fraternity.

Science: Students of both tracks are required to complete the three science courses of the American Middle school program: Earth, Life, and Physical Science.   These courses also satisfy the French requirements for CNED students.

Visual and Performing Arts: Through the arts, students expand their perspectives, engage world culture, take on challenging material, and express their own creativity.  Students of the International Track have the option to choose from Art and Music as electives.  CNED (French) Track students are required to participate in 2 hours of each Music and Art.

Design:  Grade 7 and 8 students are required to complete one semester of both Digital Design and Product Design.

Physical Education:  these courses provide students opportunities to participate in various athletics and team sports, and to develop abilities and capacity centered in motor skills.

Exploration Classes (Electives): International Track students have the option to pursue a passion, discover a new interest, or try something unfamiliar.  These electives aim to cultivate students’ curiosity and love of learning, where collaboration and self-expression are emphasized.  These courses include a Third Language and Physical Education.

F.L.E (Francais Langue Etrangère) is a program we offer to non-french students joining FAIS in the 2nd grade or above. This program is the same that is provided to students who have moved to France, prior to integrating their grade level.  It allows the student to build a foundation of the French language, at his/her own pace before being re-integrated into the full French program.  F.L.E. students are taken out of their regular class during French section and follow a special curriculum with FLE certified teachers.

E.S.O.L (English second language learner) is a program widely offered in American schools to non English speakers. This program is available to students on a case by case basis.

Annual Assessment testing is administered in the Spring for the American educational program. FAIS has partnered with IOWA, the most widely used third party assessment agency in the U.S.  As such, FAIS faculty and administration uses the annual results as an audit for the school’s  and each individual student’s academic performance.  The assessments enable the school to identify students’ strengths and weaknesses, allowing for special academic advancement or intervention plans to be put in place.  Additionally, assessments provide parents with transparency on their child(ren)’s percentile placement on a nationwide scale.  FAIS is committed to providing its community with academic accountability and exceptional reputation.

For Middle School ProgramTrajectory 6th-8th grades click here

For the full Curriculum of the Middle School click here

For Middle School Sample Schedules click here

The chart below shows the complete schooling trajectory of both the French and US academic program.  For informational purposes only.  FAIS does not offer the Preschool or High School programs:


Students are required to wear the appropriate school uniform: This includes polo or collared shirts (short or long sleeved) : white, red or navy blue; slacks, skirts, skorts, khaki shorts: navy, tan or grey; sweaters and cardigans, jackets: can be worn over uniforms, but must be of solid color white, red, or navy.

An optional P.E. school uniform is available for purchase and consists of a FAIS t-shirt and gym shorts.  This uniform may be worn in lieu of the regular school uniform on P.E. days. Tennis shoes are required for P.E. class participation.

The FAIS logo is required on all tops, including sweatshirts, sweaters and cardigans.

Shoes:  Students must wear sensible, closed shoes such as : lace-up Hush Puppies, Mary Janes, Ballet Flats or tennis shoes.

Click below to view our school’s approved uniform items and to order items (with or without logo).  Uniforms provided by : FrenchToast

French American International School French American International School of Boca Raton
+1 (561) 479-8266 | EMAIL US